Date: Thu, 6 Oct 94 04:30:31 PDT From: Ham-Space Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Ham-Space-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Ham-Space@UCSD.Edu Precedence: List Subject: Ham-Space Digest V94 #281 To: Ham-Space Ham-Space Digest Thu, 6 Oct 94 Volume 94 : Issue 281 Today's Topics: EZSATS - Eastern Passes 10/03-11/01 EZSATS Western Pass Times 10/03-11/01 Satellite Tracking for Windoze Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Ham-Space Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-space". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 5 Oct 1994 09:06:53 GMT From: dt650@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (David J. Mullenix) Subject: EZSATS - Eastern Passes 10/03-11/01 Please don't post these to packet - they contain four weeks worth of pass times for the Eastern half of the country and are too long for packet. Easy Sats East - Eastern US Satellite UTC Pass Times de N9LTD Sat Name Downlink Signals and Frequencies Date of Elements MIR FM Voice and Packet 145.550 MHz 30Sep OSCAR-21 *FM Voice Repeater, Packet Telemetry, WEFAX Pics 145.987 MHz 27Sep RS-10/11 *CW/SSB 29.360-29.400 MHz Beacons:29.357 + 29.403 MHz 25Sep RS-12/13 *CW/SSB 29.410-29.450 MHz Beacons:29.407 + 29.453 MHz 28Sep DOVE *Standard 1200 baud Packet telemetry & messages 145.825 MHz 24Sep AO-27 *OCCASIONAL FM RPTR! Input: 145.850 Output: 436.800 MHZ 24Sep Mon 03 Oct 94 MIR 05:46i 07:19e 08:56g 10:34i 12:11i 13:47f 15:24g OSCAR-21 08:25f 10:10F 12:03I 19:24g 21:09E 22:58I RS-10/11 06:58i 08:42c 10:29H 20:28g 22:13D RS-12/13 00:17c 02:04H 09:32i 11:16e 13:02G 23:01h DOVE 03:07h 04:45C 06:28I 15:22i 16:59d 18:39H AO-27 02:28h 04:06D 05:50I 14:44i 16:22c 18:02H Tue 04 Oct 94 MIR 06:24h 08:00f 09:38i 11:16i 12:52h 14:28e 16:06i OSCAR-21 07:11i 08:52d 10:39H 18:08i 19:51e 21:37G RS-10/11 00:04I 07:27h 09:12C 11:00I 19:18i 20:57e 22:44G RS-12/13 00:45C 02:34I 09:59h 11:44A 13:31H 23:28f DOVE 02:39i 04:16c 05:57H 16:30g 18:10F 19:52I AO-27 02:03i 03:39b 05:21H 15:55f 17:35G 19:18I Wed 05 Oct 94 MIR 05:30i 07:05c 08:42h 10:20i 11:57h 13:33c 15:10i OSCAR-21 07:37h 09:20C 11:09I 18:34h 20:19A 22:06H RS-10/11 06:14i 07:57f 09:43F 19:45h 21:27B 23:15H RS-12/13 01:13F 03:06I 10:27g 12:12E 14:01I 22:15i 23:56c DOVE 02:13i 03:47f 05:27G 16:02h 17:40D 19:22I AO-27 01:38i 03:13e 04:53G 15:29h 17:08E 18:50I Thr 06 Oct 94 MIR 04:37i 06:10e 07:47g 09:25i 11:02i 12:38f 14:15g OSCAR-21 08:03f 09:48F 11:40I 19:01g 20:46E 22:35I RS-10/11 06:42i 08:27c 10:13H 20:13g 21:57E 23:49I RS-12/13 01:43H 09:11i 10:55e 12:41G 22:41h DOVE 03:19g 04:57E 06:42I 15:34i 17:11c 18:52H AO-27 01:15I 02:47g 04:26F 06:13I 15:03i 16:41b 18:22H Fri 07 Oct 94 MIR 05:15g 06:51f 08:29i 10:07i 11:43h 13:19e 14:57i OSCAR-21 06:49i 08:30d 10:17H 17:45i 19:29e 21:15G RS-10/11 07:12h 08:57D 10:45I 19:02i 20:42e 22:28G RS-12/13 00:24C 02:13I 09:38h 11:23B 13:10H 23:07f DOVE 02:51h 04:28A 06:10I 15:08I 16:42f 18:22G AO-27 02:21h 03:59C 05:42I 14:38i 16:15d 17:55H Sat 08 Oct 94 MIR 04:21i 05:56c 07:33h 09:11i 10:48h 12:24c 14:01i OSCAR-21 07:14h 08:57B 10:47I 18:12h 19:56b 21:43H RS-10/11 05:58i 07:41f 09:27G 19:29h 21:12A 23:00H RS-12/13 00:53F 02:45I 10:06g 11:51E 13:40I 21:54i 23:35d DOVE 02:24i 03:59e 05:39H 16:14h 17:53E 19:34I AO-27 01:56i 03:32c 05:14H 15:48g 17:28F 19:10I Sun 09 Oct 94 MIR 03:28i 05:01e 06:37h 08:16i 09:53i 11:29f 13:05g OSCAR-21 07:41g 09:26F 11:18I 18:39g 20:24E 22:13I RS-10/11 06:27i 08:11b 09:58H 19:57g 21:42E 23:34I RS-12/13 01:22H 08:51i 10:34e 12:20G 22:20h DOVE 01:58I 03:30g 05:09F 15:45i 17:24A 19:04I AO-27 01:31i 03:06f 04:46G 15:22h 17:01D 18:42I Mon 10 Oct 94 MIR 04:06g 05:42f 07:20i 08:57i 10:34h 12:10e 13:48i OSCAR-21 06:27i 08:08d 09:54H 17:23i 19:06e 20:52G RS-10/11 06:56g 08:42D 10:30I 18:46i 20:26d 22:13G RS-12/13 00:03C 01:52I 09:18h 11:02B 12:49H 22:47f DOVE 03:02h 04:40C 06:23I 15:18i 16:55e 18:35H AO-27 02:40g 04:18E 06:04I 14:56i 16:34b 18:15H Tue 11 Oct 94 MIR 03:12i 04:46d 06:24h 08:02i 09:39h 11:15b 12:52i OSCAR-21 06:52h 08:35B 10:24I 17:49h 19:34a 21:21H RS-10/11 05:43i 07:26e 09:12G 19:13h 20:56B 22:45I RS-12/13 00:32F 02:24I 09:45g 11:31E 13:19I 21:33i 23:14c DOVE 02:35i 04:11c 05:52H 16:26g 18:05F 19:47I AO-27 02:14h 03:51B 05:34I 14:31i 16:07e 17:47G Wed 12 Oct 94 MIR 02:18i 03:51e 05:28h 07:06i 08:44i 10:20f 11:56g OSCAR-21 07:18g 09:03F 10:55I 18:17g 20:02E 21:50I RS-10/11 06:11h 07:56b 09:43H 19:42g 21:27F 23:19I RS-12/13 01:01H 08:30i 10:13e 11:59G 21:59h 23:42C DOVE 02:09i 03:42f 05:22G 15:57h 17:36C 19:17I AO-27 01:49i 03:25d 05:06H 15:41g 17:20F 19:02I Thr 13 Oct 94 MIR 02:57g 04:33f 06:10i 07:48i 09:25g 11:01e 12:39i OSCAR-21 06:05i 07:45d 09:32H 17:01i 18:44e 20:30G RS-10/11 06:41g 08:26E 10:15I 18:30i 20:11d 21:58H RS-12/13 01:32I 08:57h 10:41A 12:28H 22:26f DOVE 03:14h 04:52E 06:37I 15:29i 17:07c 18:47H AO-27 01:25i 02:59f 04:38G 15:15h 16:53C 18:35I Fri 14 Oct 94 MIR 02:02i 03:37c 05:15h 06:53i 08:29h 10:06d 11:43i OSCAR-21 06:30h 08:13B 10:02I 17:27h 19:12a 20:58H RS-10/11 05:27i 07:11e 08:57G 18:57h 20:41C 22:30I RS-12/13 00:11F 02:04I 09:25g 11:10E 12:59I 21:13i 22:53c DOVE 02:46i 04:23b 06:05I 16:38f 18:17G 20:01I AO-27 02:33h 04:11D 05:56I 14:49i 16:27c 18:07H Sat 15 Oct 94 MIR 01:09i 02:42d 04:19h 05:57i 07:34i 09:10f 10:47h OSCAR-21 06:56g 08:41F 10:33I 17:54g 19:39E 21:28I RS-10/11 05:56h 07:41A 09:28H 19:26f 21:11F 23:05I RS-12/13 00:41H 08:09i 09:52e 11:39G 21:38h 23:22C DOVE 02:20i 03:54e 05:35G 16:09h 17:48E 19:30I AO-27 02:07h 03:44b 05:26I 14:25I 16:00f 17:40G 19:24I Sun 16 Oct 94 MIR 01:47g 03:23f 05:01i 06:39i 08:15g 09:51e 11:30i OSCAR-21 05:43i 07:23d 09:10G 16:39i 18:22e 20:07G RS-10/11 06:25g 08:11E 10:00I 18:14i 19:55c 21:43H RS-12/13 01:11I 08:36h 10:21A 12:08H 22:05f 23:50F DOVE 03:26g 05:05F 06:51I 15:41i 17:19a 18:59H AO-27 01:42i 03:18e 04:58H 15:34g 17:13E 18:55I Mon 17 Oct 94 MIR 00:53h 02:28d 04:05h 05:43i 07:20h 08:56b 10:33i 23:59i OSCAR-21 06:08h 07:50B 09:39I 17:05i 18:49b 20:36H RS-10/11 05:11i 06:55d 08:41G 18:42h 20:25C 22:15I RS-12/13 01:43I 09:04g 10:49E 12:38I 20:52i 22:33c DOVE 02:58h 04:35C 06:18I 15:14i 16:50e 18:30G AO-27 01:19i 02:52g 04:31F 15:08h 16:46B 18:27I Tue 18 Oct 94 MIR 01:33e 03:09h 04:47i 06:25i 08:01f 09:37h OSCAR-21 06:34g 08:18E 10:10I 17:32g 19:17D 21:05I RS-10/11 05:40h 07:25B 09:12I 17:33i 19:10f 20:56F 22:50I RS-12/13 00:20H 07:48i 09:32e 11:18G 21:18h 23:01C DOVE 02:31i 04:06d 05:47H 16:21g 18:00F 19:42I AO-27 02:26h 04:04C 05:47I 14:42i 16:19d 18:00H Wed 19 Oct 94 MIR 00:38g 02:14g 03:52i 05:29i 07:06g 08:42e 10:20i 23:43h OSCAR-21 05:21i 07:01d 08:47G 16:16i 17:59f 19:45G RS-10/11 04:29I 06:10g 07:55F 09:45I 17:58i 19:40b 21:28H RS-12/13 00:50I 08:15h 10:00A 11:47H 21:44f 23:30F DOVE 02:05i 03:38f 05:17G 15:53h 17:31C 19:12I AO-27 02:00i 03:37b 05:19H 15:53f 17:33G 19:16I Thr 20 Oct 94 MIR 01:18c 02:56h 04:34i 06:10h 07:47d 09:24i 22:49i OSCAR-21 05:45h 07:28B 09:17H 16:42i 18:27b 20:13H RS-10/11 04:56i 06:40d 08:26H 18:26h 20:10D 22:00I RS-12/13 01:22I 08:43g 10:28E 12:17I 20:31i 22:12d 23:59H DOVE 03:10h 04:48D 06:31I 15:25i 17:02d 18:42H AO-27 01:36i 03:11e 04:51G 15:27h 17:06D 18:47I Fri 21 Oct 94 MIR 00:23d 02:00h 03:38i 05:15h 06:51f 08:28h 23:28g OSCAR-21 06:11g 07:56E 09:48I 17:09h 18:55D 20:43I RS-10/11 05:25h 07:10B 08:57I 17:17i 18:55f 20:41G 22:37I RS-12/13 07:28i 09:11e 10:57G 20:57h 22:40C DOVE 02:42i 04:19b 06:00H 16:33g 18:13G 19:56I AO-27 02:44g 04:23F 06:10I 15:01i 16:39a 18:20H Sat 22 Oct 94 MIR 01:04f 02:42i 04:20i 05:56g 07:32e 09:11i 22:34h OSCAR-21 04:59i 06:38e 08:25G 15:54i 17:37f 19:23G RS-10/11 04:12i 05:54f 07:40F 09:31I 17:43i 19:24b 21:13H RS-12/13 00:29I 07:54h 09:39B 11:26H 21:24f 23:09F DOVE 02:15i 03:50f 05:30G 16:05h 17:43D 19:25I AO-27 02:19h 03:56C 05:40I 14:36i 16:12e 17:52H Sun 23 Oct 94 MIR 00:09d 01:46h 03:24i 05:01h 06:37b 08:14i 21:40i 23:13d OSCAR-21 05:23h 07:06A 08:54H 16:20i 18:04b 19:51H RS-10/11 04:40i 06:24c 08:11H 18:10g 19:55D 21:45I RS-12/13 01:01I 08:22g 10:07E 11:56I 20:10i 21:51d 23:38H DOVE 03:22g 05:00E 06:45I 15:37i 17:14b 18:55H AO-27 01:54i 03:30c 05:11H 15:46g 17:25F 19:08I Mon 24 Oct 94 MIR 00:50h 02:28i 04:05i 05:42f 07:18h 22:18g 23:54g OSCAR-21 05:49g 07:34E 09:25I 16:47h 18:32D 20:20I RS-10/11 05:09h 06:54C 08:42I 17:00i 18:39e 20:26G RS-12/13 07:07i 08:50e 10:36G 20:36h 22:19C DOVE 02:54h 04:31A 06:13I 15:10i 16:45f 18:25G AO-27 01:29i 03:03f 04:43G 15:19h 16:58D 18:40I Tue 25 Oct 94 MIR 01:32i 03:10i 04:46g 06:23f 08:01i 21:24h 22:59d OSCAR-21 04:36i 06:16e 08:02G 15:32i 17:14f 19:00G RS-10/11 03:56i 05:39f 07:25F 17:27h 19:09b 20:57H RS-12/13 00:09I 07:34h 09:18b 11:05H 21:03f 22:48F DOVE 02:27i 04:02d 05:42H 16:17g 17:56E 19:37I AO-27 02:37g 04:16E 06:01I 14:54i 16:32b 18:12H Wed 26 Oct 94 MIR 00:36h 02:14i 03:51h 05:27a 07:04i 20:30i 22:03d 23:40h OSCAR-21 05:01h 06:43A 08:32H 15:58i 17:42b 19:28H RS-10/11 04:24i 06:09c 07:55H 17:55g 19:39E 21:31I RS-12/13 00:41I 08:01g 09:47E 11:35I 19:50i 21:30d 23:17H DOVE 02:01i 03:33g 05:13F 15:48i 17:27B 19:07I AO-27 02:12h 03:49B 05:32I 14:29i 16:05e 17:45G Thr 27 Oct 94 MIR 01:18i 02:56h 04:32f 06:08h 21:08g 22:45g OSCAR-21 05:27g 07:11E 09:02I 16:25h 18:10D 19:58I RS-10/11 04:54h 06:39D 08:27I 16:44i 18:24e 20:10G RS-12/13 06:46i 08:29e 10:15G 20:15h 21:58B 23:48I DOVE 03:05h 04:43C 06:26I 15:21i 16:58d 18:38H AO-27 01:47i 03:23d 05:03H 15:39g 17:18F 19:00I Fri 28 Oct 94 MIR 00:22i 02:00i 03:37g 05:13f 06:51i 20:14h 21:49d 23:26h OSCAR-21 04:14i 05:54e 07:40G 15:10i 16:52f 18:38G RS-10/11 03:40i 05:23f 07:09G 17:11h 18:54A 20:42H RS-12/13 07:13h 08:57A 10:44H 20:42f 22:27F DOVE 02:38i 04:14c 05:55H 16:29g 18:08F 19:51I AO-27 01:23i 02:56f 04:36G 15:12h 16:51C 18:32I Sat 29 Oct 94 MIR 01:04i 02:41h 04:17b 05:54i 19:20i 20:54d 22:30h OSCAR-21 04:39h 06:21A 08:09H 15:35i 17:20c 19:06H RS-10/11 04:09i 05:53b 07:40H 17:39g 19:24E 21:16I RS-12/13 00:20I 07:40g 09:26E 11:14I 19:29i 21:10d 22:57H DOVE 02:11i 03:45f 05:25G 16:00h 17:39C 19:20I AO-27 02:30h 04:09D 05:53I 14:47i 16:24c 18:05H Sun 30 Oct 94 MIR 00:09i 01:46h 03:22f 04:58h 19:59g 21:35g 23:13i OSCAR-21 05:05g 06:49E 08:40I 16:02h 17:47C 19:35I RS-10/11 04:38g 06:24D 08:12I 16:28i 18:08d 19:55G RS-12/13 06:25i 08:08e 09:54G 19:55h 21:38B 23:27I DOVE 03:17h 04:55E 06:40I 15:32i 17:10c 18:50H AO-27 02:05i 03:42a 05:24I 15:58f 17:38G 19:21I Mon 31 Oct 94 MIR 00:50i 02:27g 04:03f 05:41i 19:04h 20:39d 22:17h 23:55i OSCAR-21 03:52i 05:31e 07:17G 14:47i 16:30f 18:15F RS-10/11 03:25i 05:08e 06:54G 16:55h 18:38B 20:27I RS-12/13 06:52h 08:37A 10:24H 20:21g 22:06F 23:59I DOVE 02:49h 04:26b 06:08I 15:07I 16:41f 18:20G 20:05I AO-27 01:40i 03:15e 04:56H 15:31h 17:11E 18:52I Tue 01 Nov 94 MIR 01:31h 03:07b 04:44i 18:10i 19:44d 21:20h 22:59i OSCAR-21 04:17i 05:59a 07:47H 15:13i 16:57c 18:44H RS-10/11 03:53h 05:38b 07:25H 17:24g 19:09F 21:01I RS-12/13 07:20g 09:05E 10:54I 19:08i 20:49d 22:36H DOVE 02:22i 03:57e 05:38H 16:12h 17:51E 19:33I AO-27 01:17I 02:49g 04:28F 15:05i 16:44A 18:25I ------------------------------ Date: 5 Oct 1994 09:30:51 GMT From: dt650@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (David J. Mullenix) Subject: EZSATS Western Pass Times 10/03-11/01 Please don't post this file to packet. It contains four weeks worth of pass times for the Western half of the US and it's too long for packet. Easy Sats West - Western US Satellite UTC Pass Times de N9LTD Sat Name Downlink Signals and Frequencies Date of Elements MIR FM Voice and Packet 145.550 MHz 30Sep OSCAR-21 *FM Voice Repeater, Packet Telemetry, WEFAX Pics 145.987 MHz 27Sep RS-10/11 *CW/SSB 29.360-29.400 MHz Beacons:29.357 + 29.403 MHz 25Sep RS-12/13 *CW/SSB 29.410-29.450 MHz Beacons:29.407 + 29.453 MHz 28Sep DOVE *Standard 1200 baud Packet telemetry & messages 145.825 MHz 24Sep AO-27 *OCCASIONAL FM RPTR! Input: 145.850 Output: 436.800 MHZ 24Sep Mon 03 Oct 94 MIR 07:19i 08:52d 10:29h 12:07i 13:44h 15:20d 16:57h OSCAR-21 00:14I 08:30i 10:10d 11:57G 19:24i 21:08e 22:54G RS-10/11 01:18I 08:42h 10:27B 12:14I 20:35i 22:13f 23:59F RS-12/13 00:19h 02:02B 03:51H 11:16h 13:00b 14:47H DOVE 03:14i 04:47g 06:26F 08:13I 17:01i 18:39b 20:20H AO-27 02:35i 04:08g 05:48F 16:23h 18:02B 19:43H Tue 04 Oct 94 MIR 07:57g 09:34f 11:11h 12:49h 14:25f 16:01g OSCAR-21 08:55h 10:37A 12:26H 19:51h 21:35a 23:22H RS-10/11 01:52I 07:29i 09:12f 10:57F 12:47I 21:01i 22:43b RS-12/13 00:46g 02:31E 04:22I 11:43g 13:29E 15:17I 23:33i DOVE 04:19h 05:56C 07:39I 16:33i 18:10e 19:50G AO-27 03:42h 05:20D 07:04I 15:58i 17:35d 19:15H Wed 05 Oct 94 MIR 07:03h 08:38c 10:16h 11:53i 13:30h 15:06d 16:44i OSCAR-21 09:21g 11:06E 12:57I 20:18g 22:03D 23:51I RS-10/11 00:30H 07:57i 09:41c 11:28H 21:29g 23:13D RS-12/13 01:13d 03:00G 10:28i 12:11e 13:57G 23:58h DOVE 03:51i 05:27c 07:09H 17:41g 19:21F 21:02I AO-27 03:17i 04:54b 06:35H 17:09g 18:48F 20:31I Thr 06 Oct 94 MIR 06:09i 07:43d 09:20h 10:58i 12:35h 14:11c 15:48h OSCAR-21 08:08i 09:48d 11:34G 19:02i 20:45e 22:31G RS-10/11 01:03I 08:26h 10:12C 11:59I 20:18i 21:58e 23:44G RS-12/13 01:41B 03:30H 10:55h 12:39a 14:26H DOVE 03:24i 04:59f 06:38G 17:13h 18:51C 20:32I AO-27 02:52i 04:27e 06:08G 16:42h 18:21D 20:03I Fri 07 Oct 94 MIR 06:48g 08:24f 10:02h 11:40h 13:16f 14:52g OSCAR-21 08:32h 10:15B 12:04H 19:29h 21:13b 23:00H RS-10/11 01:38I 07:13i 08:56f 10:42F 12:32I 20:45h 22:27b RS-12/13 00:25g 02:10E 04:01I 11:22g 13:08D 14:56I 23:12i DOVE 04:30h 06:09D 07:53I 16:45i 18:22d 20:02H AO-27 02:28i 04:01g 05:40F 07:26I 16:16i 17:55a 19:35H Sat 08 Oct 94 MIR 05:54h 07:29c 09:06h 10:44i 12:21h 13:57d 15:35i OSCAR-21 08:59g 10:43E 12:34I 19:56g 21:41D 23:29I RS-10/11 00:15H 07:42i 09:26c 11:13H 21:13g 22:57E RS-12/13 00:52d 02:39G 10:07i 11:50e 13:36G 23:37h DOVE 04:03h 05:40b 07:21H 17:53f 19:33G 21:15I AO-27 03:35h 05:13C 06:56I 15:51i 17:28e 19:08G Sun 09 Oct 94 MIR 05:00i 06:34d 08:11h 09:49i 11:26h 13:02c 14:39h OSCAR-21 07:45i 09:25e 11:12G 18:40i 20:23f 22:09G RS-10/11 00:48I 08:11h 09:56D 11:44I 20:02i 21:42e 23:28G RS-12/13 01:20B 03:09H 10:34h 12:19a 14:05H DOVE 03:36i 05:11e 06:51G 17:25h 19:04D 20:45I AO-27 03:10i 04:46c 06:28H 17:02g 18:41F 20:23I Mon 10 Oct 94 MIR 05:39g 07:15f 08:53h 10:30h 12:07f 13:43g OSCAR-21 08:10h 09:53A 11:41H 19:06i 20:51b 22:37H RS-10/11 06:57i 08:41f 10:27G 20:29h 22:12A RS-12/13 00:04g 01:49E 03:40I 11:02g 12:47D 14:35I 22:51i DOVE 03:10i 04:42g 06:21F 08:07I 16:56i 18:35b 20:15H AO-27 02:45i 04:20f 06:00G 16:35h 18:14C 19:55I Tue 11 Oct 94 MIR 04:45h 06:20d 07:57h 09:35i 11:12g 12:48d 14:25i OSCAR-21 08:36g 10:21E 12:12I 19:33g 21:19D 23:06I RS-10/11 00:00H 07:26i 09:11b 10:57H 20:57g 22:42E RS-12/13 00:32d 02:18G 09:46i 11:30e 13:16G 23:17h DOVE 04:14h 05:52B 07:34I 16:29i 18:06e 19:45G AO-27 03:54g 05:33E 07:18I 16:09i 17:47c 19:28H Wed 12 Oct 94 MIR 03:51i 05:25d 07:02h 08:39i 10:16h 11:53d 13:29h OSCAR-21 07:23i 09:03e 10:49G 18:18i 20:01f 21:47G RS-10/11 00:33I 07:55g 09:41D 11:29I 19:46i 21:27d 23:13G RS-12/13 01:00B 02:48H 10:13h 11:58a 13:45H 23:43g DOVE 03:47i 05:23d 07:04H 17:37g 19:16E 20:58I AO-27 03:28h 05:06A 06:48I 15:45i 17:21f 19:01G 20:44I Thr 13 Oct 94 MIR 02:59i 04:30g 06:06g 07:44h 09:21h 10:57f 12:34g OSCAR-21 07:48h 09:30A 11:19H 18:44i 20:28b 22:15H RS-10/11 06:42i 08:25e 10:11G 20:13h 21:56B 23:45H RS-12/13 01:28E 03:20I 10:41g 12:26D 14:14I 22:30i DOVE 03:20i 04:54f 06:34G 17:08h 18:47B 20:27I AO-27 03:03i 04:39d 06:20H 16:54g 18:34E 20:15I Fri 14 Oct 94 MIR 03:35h 05:11d 06:48h 08:26i 10:02g 11:38e 13:16i OSCAR-21 08:14g 09:58E 11:49I 19:11h 20:56D 22:44I RS-10/11 07:10h 08:55b 10:42H 20:42g 22:27E RS-12/13 00:11d 01:57G 09:25i 11:09e 12:55G 22:56h DOVE 04:26h 06:04D 07:48I 16:41i 18:18d 19:58H AO-27 02:39i 04:13f 05:53G 16:28h 18:07B 19:48I Sat 15 Oct 94 MIR 02:41i 04:15c 05:52h 07:30i 09:07h 10:43c 12:20h OSCAR-21 07:01i 08:41e 10:27G 17:55i 19:38f 21:24G RS-10/11 00:18I 07:40g 09:25E 11:14I 19:30i 21:11d 22:58G RS-12/13 00:39B 02:27H 09:52h 11:37b 13:24H 23:23g DOVE 03:58i 05:35b 07:17H 17:49g 19:28F 21:10I AO-27 03:47h 05:25D 07:09I 16:03i 17:40d 19:20H Sun 16 Oct 94 MIR 01:49i 03:20g 04:57g 06:34h 08:12h 09:48f 11:24g OSCAR-21 07:26h 09:08b 10:56H 18:22i 20:06b 21:52H RS-10/11 06:26i 08:10e 09:56G 19:58h 21:41B 23:30I RS-12/13 01:07E 02:59I 10:20g 12:05E 13:53I 22:10i 23:50d DOVE 03:31i 05:06e 06:46G 17:20h 18:59D 20:40I AO-27 03:22h 04:59a 06:41H 17:14f 18:53G 20:36I Mon 17 Oct 94 MIR 02:26h 04:01d 05:39h 07:16i 08:53g 10:29d 12:07i OSCAR-21 07:52g 09:36E 11:27I 18:49h 20:34D 22:21I RS-10/11 06:55h 08:40A 10:27H 20:26f 22:11F RS-12/13 01:37G 09:05i 10:48e 12:34G 22:35h DOVE 04:38g 06:16E 08:02I 16:52i 18:30b 20:10H AO-27 02:57i 04:32e 06:13H 16:47h 18:26E 20:08I Tue 18 Oct 94 MIR 01:32i 03:06c 04:43h 06:21i 07:58h 09:34c 11:11h OSCAR-21 06:39i 08:18e 10:05G 17:33i 19:16f 21:02F RS-10/11 00:04I 05:44I 07:24g 09:10E 10:59I 19:14i 20:56c 22:43H RS-12/13 00:18B 02:07H 09:32h 11:16b 13:03H 23:02g DOVE 04:10h 05:47B 07:30I 16:26i 18:01f 19:41G 21:24I AO-27 02:33i 04:06g 05:45F 07:32I 16:21i 18:00A 19:40H Wed 19 Oct 94 MIR 00:39i 02:11g 03:47g 05:25h 07:02h 08:38f 10:15g OSCAR-21 07:04h 08:46a 10:34H 17:59i 19:44c 21:30H RS-10/11 06:10i 07:54d 09:41G 19:42h 21:26C 23:15I RS-12/13 00:47E 02:38I 09:59g 11:45D 13:33I 21:49i 23:29d DOVE 03:43i 05:18d 06:59H 17:32h 19:11E 20:53I AO-27 03:40h 05:18C 07:02I 15:56i 17:33d 19:13H Thr 20 Oct 94 MIR 01:16h 02:52e 04:29h 06:07i 07:43g 09:19e 10:57i OSCAR-21 07:29g 09:14E 11:04I 18:26h 20:11C 21:59I RS-10/11 06:39h 08:24A 10:11H 18:33i 20:11f 21:56F 23:49I RS-12/13 01:16G 08:44i 10:27e 12:13G 22:14h 23:57B DOVE 03:16i 04:50g 06:29F 17:04i 18:42B 20:23H AO-27 03:15i 04:51c 06:33H 17:06g 18:46F 20:28I Fri 21 Oct 94 MIR 00:22i 01:56c 03:33h 05:11i 06:48h 08:24b 10:01h 23:29i OSCAR-21 06:17i 07:56e 09:42G 17:11i 18:54f 20:39F RS-10/11 05:27i 07:09g 08:55E 10:44I 18:59i 20:40c 22:28H RS-12/13 01:46H 09:11h 10:55a 12:42H 22:41g DOVE 04:22h 05:59D 07:43I 16:36i 18:13e 19:53H AO-27 02:50i 04:25e 06:05G 16:40h 18:19D 20:00I Sat 22 Oct 94 MIR 01:01f 02:37g 04:15h 05:53h 07:29f 09:05g OSCAR-21 06:41h 08:23a 10:11H 17:37i 19:21c 21:08H RS-10/11 05:55i 07:39d 09:25G 19:26h 21:10D 23:00I RS-12/13 00:26E 02:17I 09:38g 11:24D 13:12I 21:28i 23:08d DOVE 03:54i 05:30c 07:12H 17:44g 19:24F 21:06I AO-27 02:27I 03:59g 05:38E 07:23I 16:14i 17:52b 19:33H Sun 23 Oct 94 MIR 00:07h 01:42d 03:19h 04:57i 06:34g 08:10e 09:48i 23:12i OSCAR-21 07:07g 08:51E 10:42I 18:04h 19:49C 21:36I RS-10/11 06:24h 08:09B 09:56I 18:17i 19:55f 21:41F 23:34I RS-12/13 00:55G 08:23i 10:06e 11:52G 21:54h 23:36A DOVE 03:27i 05:02f 06:41G 17:16h 18:54C 20:35I AO-27 03:33h 05:11B 06:54I 15:49i 17:26e 19:06G Mon 24 Oct 94 MIR 00:47d 02:24h 04:01i 05:38h 07:14c 08:51i 22:20i 23:51f OSCAR-21 05:55i 07:34e 09:20G 11:15I 16:49i 18:31f 20:17F 22:07I RS-10/11 05:11i 06:54f 08:39F 10:29I 18:43i 20:25b 22:12H RS-12/13 01:25H 08:50h 10:35a 12:21H 22:20g DOVE 04:33g 06:12E 07:56I 16:48i 18:25c 20:06H AO-27 03:08i 04:44c 06:25H 16:59g 18:39F 20:21I Tue 25 Oct 94 MIR 01:28g 03:06h 04:43h 06:19f 07:56g 22:57h OSCAR-21 06:19i 08:01b 09:49H 17:15i 18:59c 20:45H RS-10/11 05:39i 07:23c 09:10H 19:11g 20:55D 22:45I RS-12/13 00:05E 01:56I 09:18g 11:03D 12:51I 21:07i 22:48d DOVE 04:06h 05:43A 07:25I 16:22I 17:56f 19:36G 21:19I AO-27 02:43i 04:18f 05:58G 16:33h 18:12C 19:53I Wed 26 Oct 94 MIR 00:32d 02:10h 03:47i 05:24g 07:00e 08:38i 22:03i 23:37c OSCAR-21 06:45g 08:29D 10:19I 17:42h 19:27C 21:14I RS-10/11 06:08h 07:54C 09:41I 18:01i 19:40e 21:26G 23:20I RS-12/13 00:34G 08:02i 09:46e 11:32G 21:33h 23:16A DOVE 03:38i 05:14e 06:54H 17:28h 19:07E 20:48I AO-27 03:52g 05:30E 07:15I 16:07i 17:45c 19:25H Thr 27 Oct 94 MIR 01:14h 02:52i 04:28h 06:05c 07:42i 21:10i 22:42f OSCAR-21 05:33i 07:12f 08:57G 10:52I 16:26i 18:09f 19:55F 21:45I RS-10/11 04:55i 06:38f 08:24F 10:14I 18:27h 20:09b 21:57H RS-12/13 01:04H 08:29h 10:14a 12:00H 22:00g 23:44E DOVE 03:12i 04:45g 06:24F 08:11I 16:59i 18:38b 20:18H AO-27 03:26h 05:03B 06:46I 15:43i 17:18f 18:58G 20:41I Fri 28 Oct 94 MIR 00:18g 01:56h 03:33h 05:09f 06:46g 21:47h 23:22e OSCAR-21 05:57i 07:39b 09:27H 16:52i 18:36c 20:23H RS-10/11 05:24i 07:08c 08:55H 18:55g 20:39E 22:30I RS-12/13 01:36I 08:57g 10:42D 12:30I 20:47i 22:27d DOVE 04:17h 05:55C 07:38I 16:32i 18:09e 19:48G AO-27 03:01i 04:37d 06:18H 16:52g 18:31E 20:13I Sat 29 Oct 94 MIR 01:00h 02:37i 04:14g 05:50e 07:28i 20:53i 22:27b OSCAR-21 06:23g 08:07D 09:57I 17:19h 19:04C 20:51I RS-10/11 05:53h 07:38C 09:26I 17:44i 19:24e 21:10G RS-12/13 00:14G 07:41i 09:25e 11:11G 11:28G 21:12h 22:55B DOVE 03:50i 05:26c 07:07H 17:40g 19:19F 21:01I AO-27 02:37i 04:11f 05:50F 16:26h 18:05B 19:45I Sun 30 Oct 94 MIR 00:04h 01:42i 03:19h 04:55c 06:32i 20:00i 21:32f 23:08g OSCAR-21 05:11i 06:49f 08:35G 10:29I 16:04i 17:47f 19:32F 21:22I RS-10/11 04:39i 06:23f 08:09F 18:11h 19:54A 21:42H RS-12/13 00:44H 08:08h 09:53b 11:40H 21:39g 23:24E DOVE 03:23i 04:57f 06:37G 17:11h 18:50B 20:31I AO-27 03:45h 05:23D 07:07I 16:00i 17:38d 19:18H Mon 31 Oct 94 MIR 00:46h 02:23h 03:59f 05:36g 20:37h 22:12e 23:50h OSCAR-21 05:35i 07:16b 09:04H 16:30i 18:14d 20:00H RS-10/11 05:08i 06:53b 08:39H 18:39g 20:24E 22:15I RS-12/13 01:15I 08:36g 10:21D 12:09I 20:26i 22:06d 23:53G DOVE 04:29h 06:07D 07:51I 16:43i 18:21d 20:01H AO-27 03:19h 04:56b 06:38H 17:11f 18:51G 20:33I Tue 01 Nov 94 MIR 01:27i 03:04g 04:40e 06:18i 19:43i 21:17b 22:54h OSCAR-21 06:00h 07:44D 09:34I 16:57h 18:42B 20:29I RS-10/11 05:37g 07:23D 09:11I 17:28i 19:09e 20:55G RS-12/13 07:21i 09:04e 10:50G 20:51h 22:34B DOVE 04:01i 05:38a 07:20H 17:52f 19:31G 21:14I AO-27 02:54i 04:30e 06:10G 16:45h 18:24D 20:05I ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 05 Oct 1994 07:01:17 GMT From: (Chris Jackson) Subject: Satellite Tracking for Windoze In article , Russ Renaud (ae517@FreeNet.Carleton.CA) writes: > >Hope this isn't already in a FAQ, but what shareware is available to try >for satellite tracking in the Windows world, and where could one FTP it? WiSP is aMicrosat groundstation program for Windows. It also has some reasonably basic tracking functions. It is available on in the hamradio/incoming directory. Most files are located in the file (xxxx being the date and I can't remember it). I uploaded a new GSC today and it is in the file GSC083E.ZIP. 73 Chris ZL2TPO ------------------------------ End of Ham-Space Digest V94 #281 ******************************